CEF SA Missionaries
Dries and Marlee Volschenk - Madagascar
Dries and Marlee serve as provincial directors for Fianarantsoa province and lives in the town with the same name. It means “A good place for learning / a place to learn good things”. ‘Dries is also responsible for the national education department for the south of the island.Madagascar is a big island with 16 million people, of which half is under the age of 15 years. Poverty is a big problem, not only physically, but also spiritually. The majority of the people are animists, praying to the ancestors. The churches are full of ancestral worship in places.
It is wonderful to see how God is making Christ known through the work of CEF. There are 23 fulltime workers on the island. Three of them work with Dries and Marlee in Fianarantsoa. They also have 27 volunteer workers in the town and a few more in the rural areas.
Weekly more than 1900 children are reached in 46 Good News Clubs in the province. A lot more work needs to be done and we trust the Lord for wonderful fruit in the ministry.

Marius and Amanda Storm - Netherlands
After pasturing two congregations in the Dutch reformed church in SA, we were sent out as missionaries to Holland in 1992. We did our leadership training in Switzerland and have been directing the national CEF work here in Apeldoorn for the past 15 years.We have three children, of whom the oldest is married. We have 6 full time workers and one of our goals is to have a growing work in all of the provinces in Holland. Dutch children have physically everything that they want.
- Will you please pray that they will understand their own spiritual need for Jesus Christ as Saviour.
- Also pray that the Bible believing churches will partake in the vision to reach out to the unsaved children
- Pray that new national leaders (a couple) will be called to take over from us in the next 10-15 years.
Johan and Rita Bloemhof - France
We are missionaries sent to France 24 years ago. We are responsible for the development of new regions and National projects in France.More than 50 million people in France (of 60 million) do not attend Christian churches or practice the Christian faith! More than 30 000 towns (Communes) out of 36 000 do not have a Protestant church! Almost 13 million children attend schools in France. Most of them (more than 99%) will accumulate a lot of knowledge during the school year, without knowing their Creator.
How will they know about salvation and redemption if somebody does not take it on his heart to announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them?
We are thankful to God that the workers had the opportunity during last year to reach more than 36000 children in some way or another to hear the Good News in France and on the French Islands. Though many regions are still waiting for God‘s servants to help the churches to reach thousands of unreached children. See the map above.
We praise God for 40 workers in CEF France. Quite a few workers will need to retire in the next few years and need to be replaced.
More than the half of the regions in France have never had any CEF worker and we would like to extend Lord willing to those regions. We trust God to raise workers for those regions.
How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? How shall they hear without a preacher? Romans 10.14