School Ministries

The Wonderbook Project
This is a great outreach to children in schools across South Africa and has the potential of reaching millions of children. This is a ministry where everybody can become involved. Individuals, families, cell groups, congregations and businesses can all adopt a school or even a grade.
School Assemblies
CEF workers present a Gospel message during a school assembly once a month at the same schools in their areas.
Bible classes
CEF workers present the Good News Club program to a few of the classes at a school every week.
Preschool ministries
CEF has a number of Good News Clubs in Creches and Preschools. Preschool children love to listen to the Bible lessons and other activities.You are welcome to invite a CEF worker to get involved at a School. To find your nearest CEF worker click here. CEF can also train people who have a burden of reaching out to children in schools.